Individual therapy

Find the balance.

Between giving to others and giving to yourself.

Between building towards your future and enjoying the present.

Between wanting to grow and recognizing accomplishments.

Issues We Treat

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Relationship (romantic/work/family/friend) difficulty

  • Cultural Differences (2nd gen immigrant)

  • Self-criticism

  • Perfectionism

Are you saying these?

“I’m scared of something bad happening if I stop pushing myself hard”

“I think I’m doing well at work but can’t stop from saying yes to more”

“It’s hard to relax and let myself do nothing”

“It feels like I’m never myself”

“I feel so overloaded but I don’t know how to change it”

Let’s talk! We can figure out what’s going on, what must be accepted, and what could be changed.

How It Works

53-55 minute sessions

Full-length sessions so we can get to the “meat” of things. We follow what’s top of mind for you, then connect it to the whole.

Video or In-person

From the comfort and convenience of your own private space through HIPAA-secure Google Meet, or in the dedicated, cozy office face-to-face.

Weekly or biweekly sessions

Session frequency set based on your clinical need and schedule. We adjust frequency of meetings to the level of support you need, as you need it.